12 October 2010

17th Street House Investigation

Type: Paranormal
Date: Sept 8th and 12th 2010
Location: Wyandotte MI

A normal house in a normal looking neighborhood, is it haunted? Read on and we’ll tell you what we experienced and you can answer the question for yourself. The reports on the house include voices, lights turning on/off and doors closing. The equipment used: digital voice recorders, KII and digital EMF meters and digital cameras.

This was a two night investigation with a small team the first night and a larger team on the second night. Upon arrival the first night we did a walk through snapping pictures and doing an EMF baseline sweep of the house. The new residents hadn’t moved in yet so the place was mostly empty (which made for easy navigation in the dark). Two areas in the house had elevated EMF levels. The first area was the staircase to the second floor and the hallway at the top of the stairs. When the lights were switched off the field dissipated. The second area was in the far corner of the basement located near the electrical box which was obviously the cause. However the field was fairly large and included the area around the furnace and dryer and wiring across the ceiling making a fear cage like effect. After noting these areas we settled into the investigation.

Our first session was on the second floor. Seemingly quiet and relaxed, we wrapped up after 30-40 minutes and moved to the main floor.

On the main floor, we setup in the front bedroom. We had a 40-50 minute session here and again all seemed quiet and relaxed.

Next, we moved to the back bedroom for another session. Approximately 10 minutes into the session we heard a quiet “thud” come from the living room area. I went to investigate the sound while the other two team members stayed in the room. I noticed the closet door in the living room was resting against the strike plate. Without telling the other two, I opened the door and gently pushed it against the strike plate. Immediately Grim said “That’s it!” Explaining what it was, I looked for a cause and couldn’t find one (all windows were closed, etc…). After that I returned to the bedroom to resume the session. Another 15 minutes or so passed when a faint jingle sound was heard from the kitchen area. This time we all went to investigate the sound. Medic had placed some coins on the table in the kitchen when we first arrived and swore one had moved. Unfortunately we did not have any equipment in there to document it. We retuned to the room and continued the session again. Before we wrapped up, Grim and Medic experienced some personal sensations (goose bumps/heaviness). After listening to the recording there was one unexplained sound. It was a very loud and distorted sound, which none of us heard at the time of the recording. It could be a malfunction or something else. I have never heard anything like it before from that recorder.

Our next destination was the basement. Once again we held a 40-50 minute session and all was quiet.

The second night we had a larger team and were able to split into two groups for part of the night. Again the upstairs seemed quiet and uneventful. The living room as well seemed quiet. However we did get some recordings in the living room that sound suspicious and are still under review. The two bedrooms were uneventful as well.

The first team in the basement conducted an in depth EVP session. After a question was asked it sounded like there was a faint audible reply. After reviewing the recording no answer was heard, but we discovered the recorder picked up an answer to another question that was asked. The second team in the basement had to interrupt their session due to nausea and dizziness. They moved outside to get some fresh air. During this time they left their recorder in the basement where it recorded a “bang” in the empty basement.

You can listen for the answer yourself here. Note the reply is very faint and headphones are recommended.

Overall we were able to document a couple minor events and had some personal experiences that we were unable to document. Personally I would say it’s a pretty quiet house all in all.

Team members: cyc0tik, grim, kat, medic, scooter, tankgirl