23 April 2010

The Sky Is Falling

Type: Natural
Location: N43° 35.346 W082° 35.854

Braving the elements and local wildlife Team BCX headed deep into the thumb of Lower Michigan for a skywatch and to observe the annual Lyrid meteor shower. Arriving just before 2am we quickly setup our mini camp and hunkered down for the show. We observed a meteor rate of about 20 per hour. Some were faint and fast while others were slower, brighter fireballs. A few satellites, handful of lake freighters and some unexplained flashes of lights were also seen. Before breaking down camp and heading back to the warmth of our blankets we grabbed a quick geocache and then made the trek home.

Although not the most spectacular meteor shower of the year there were some memorable “shooting stars”. The Lyrid’s are a good warm up for the Persid’s this Aug 12-13 which Team BCX will be out in force for this skywatch.

- c

Team Members: cyc0tik, grim, scooter, zam

21 April 2010

Looking for Trolls

Type: Urban
Location: N42° 17.733 W083° 11.425

out along the rouge looking for trolls under the bridges. no sightings this day...

- c

team members: cyc0tik and grim

view the slide show

20 April 2010

The Big Tire

Type: Urban
Location: N42° 16.230 W083° 12.541

an evening excursion to "the big tire". jumping some rails and balancing to a geocache along the way.

tire stats:
80' tall
12 tons
used at the 1964-65 new york world's fair as a ferris wheel
moved to allen park mi in 1966

- c

team members: cyc0tik, grim, scooter